Definition of an error map for DoFP polarimetric images and its application to retardance calibration


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With the recent development of division of focal plane (DoFP) polarization sensors, it is possible to perform polarimetric analysis of a scene with a reduced number of acquisitions. One drawback of these sensors is that polarization estimation can be perturbed by the spatial variations of the scene. We thus propose a method to compute a map that indicates where polarization estimation can be trusted in the image. It is based on two criteria: the consistency between the intensity measurements inside a super-pixel and the detection of spatial intensity variations. We design both criteria so that a constant false alarm rate can be set. We demonstrate the benefit of this method to improve the precision of dynamic retardance calibration of DoFP-based full Stokes imaging systems. (C) 2022 Optics Publishing Group under the terms of the Optics Open Access Publishing Agreement
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Key words
polarimetric images,calibration,error map,dofp
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