A Predicted Dearth of Bulk Hypervolatile Ices in Oort Cloud Comets


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We present new, ice species-specific New Horizons/Alice upper gas coma production limits from the 01 Jan 2019 MU69/Arrokoth flyby of Gladstone et al. (2021) and use them to make predictions about the rarity of majority hypervolatile (CO, N$_2$, CH$_4$) ices in KBOs and Oort Cloud comets. These predictions have a number of important implications for the study of the Oort Cloud, including: determination of hypervolatile rich comets as the first objects emplaced into the Oort Cloud; measurement of CO/N$_2$/CH$_4$ abundance ratios in the proto-planetary disk from hypervolatile rich comets; and population statistical constraints on early (< 20 Myr) planetary aggregation driven versus later (> 50 Myr) planetary migration driven emplacement of objects into the Oort Cloud. They imply that the phenomenon of ultra-distant active comets like C/2017K2 (Jewitt et al. 2017, Hui et al. 2018) should be rare, and thus not a general characteristic of all comets. They also suggest that interstellar object 2I/Borisov did not originate in a planetary system that was inordinately CO rich (Bodewits et al. 2020), but rather could have been ejected onto an interstellar trajectory very early in its natal system's history.
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