Agriculture in Latin America: Recent Advances and Food Demands by 2050

Information and Communication Technologies for Agriculture—Theme IV: ActionsSpringer Optimization and Its Applications(2021)

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This chapter describes the current situation of agriculture in Latin America from the demographic point of view and the current demand for food. Climate change mitigation measures that are being implemented in this region of the world, as well as advances in research that contribute to the increase in agricultural production in Mexico and Latin America are discussed. Advances in ICT-based precision agriculture, studies of the productive potential of crops, phytosanitary alert systems, inspection and risk analysis of import/export agricultural products, and the quality of the seeds and beneficial microorganisms in agriculture, among others, have contributed to the increase in the volume of production in agriculture. The key issue here, is the balance between this increase and the food needs as they projected in the mid-turn future.
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agriculture,latin america,food demands
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