A New Certificateless Signcryption Scheme for Securing Internet of Vehicles in the 5G Era

Beibei Cui,Lu Wei, Wei He

SSRN Electronic Journal(2022)

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The application of digital signature technology to the Internet of vehicles (IoV) is affected by its network and communication environment. In the 5G era, the influx of a large number of intelligent devices into the mobile Internet requires a low transmission delay and power consumption as well as high-security requirements. To the best of our knowledge, a well-designed solution in which signcryption technology is used has not been proposed in the IoV research area. Motivated by the fact, a certificateless signcryption scheme based on the elliptic curve digital signature algorithm, in which pseudonym and timestamp mechanism are also considered, has been designed in this paper. We prove that the scheme proposed by us can be reduced to solving the difficulty of the computational Diffie–Hellman problem with a standard model, showing that the scheme meets requirements on both security and efficiency, which provides a comparative analysis with the state-of-the-art schemes in terms of security analysis, computational cost, and communication cost, demonstrating that the scheme proposed by us is suitable to be deployed in the IoV environment, which is of the characteristics of high-speed vehicle movement.
new certificateless signcryption scheme,securing internet
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