Nomenclatural standards of raspberry cultivars bred in the Altai

A. M. Kamnev, N. D. Yagovtseva, S. E. Dunaeva,T. A. Gavrilenko,I. G. Chukhina


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This article is devoted to designing nomeclatural standars and herbarium vouchers of raspberry cultivars bred in the M.A. Lisavenko Research Institute of Horticulture for Siberia. The article presents nomeclatural standards of cultivars ‘Barnaul’skaya’, ‘Blesk’, ‘Dobraya’, ‘Zoren’ka Altaya’, ‘Illyuziya’, ‘Kredo’ and ‘Rubinovaya’. The work has been performed according to the rules and recommendations outlined in the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants and guidelines developed for the vegetatively propagated plants. The material for nomenclatural standards should be collected with assistance of either the cultivar author, a representative of the institution owning the cultivar, or an expert in these cultivars. Therefore, material of the cultivars in question was picked with assistance of N.D. Yagovtseva, a representative of the Lisavenko Institute and author of two cultivars ‘Blesk’ and ‘Dobraya’. Nomenclatural standards contain two herbarium sheets with parts of one plant collected at the same time: the first sheet holds the middle third of a primocane and a leaf from this part, while the second one displays the middle third of a floricane and a lateral branch with fruits. Also, the specimens were supplied with photos of fruits taken before herbarization. The nomenclature standards have been deposited with the Herbarium of cultivated plants, their wild relatives, and weeds (WIR).
raspberry cultivars,nomenclatural standards
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