Digitalization and Modernization of the Industrial Production Management System Based on Lean-Green Approach

Zhanna Mingaleva, Oksana Borisova, Denis Markov,Yuliya Grigorieva

Lecture Notes in Networks and SystemsDigital Science(2022)

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In connection with the transition to the information and digital economy, the widespread introduction of digital technologies, the combination of digital requirements with traditional approaches to management, as well as the concept of sustainable development, is of particular importance. This, in turn, influences the development of new management methods that meet the requirements of Industry 4.0. The article is devoted to the analysis of the areas of application of the modern lean-green approach in the framework of the digital transformation of the economy. Complex analysis and structural-logical synthesis of the main provisions of the concept of sustainable development, institutional theory, the concept of border work, business modeling methods were used as research methods. As a result of the study, it was revealed that the main obstacles to the wider use of digital technologies in modern Russian companies are in the framework of the regulatory and instrumental aspects. The most common obstacles to the current stage of digital transformation development are the complexity of coordinating various actions to carry out organizational change (normative aspect) and organizational complexity (instrumental aspect).
industrial production management system,digitalization,modernization,lean-green
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