The integration of socio-economic and agricultural surveys by national statistical offices: The case of the Uganda Integrated Household Survey

Giulia Ponzini, Stephen Baryahirwa,Chiara Brunelli,John Ilukor,Talip Kilic, Stephane Mugabe, Andrew Mupere, Patric Okello, Flavia Oumo, Vincent Ssennono

Statistical Journal of the IAOS(2022)

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Since 2009, the Socio-Economic Directorate of the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) has been implementing the Uganda National Panel Survey (UNPS). In 2017, the Agriculture and Environment Statistics Directorate (DAES), started implementing the Annual Agricultural Survey (AAS). Similarities and disparities in the design of the two surveys have led, on the one hand, to the duplication of part of the collected information, and, on the other, to the different methodologies inevitably returning different estimates. This has resulted in issues around reconciling and communicating the differences in some agriculture indicators and statistics retrieved through the two different surveys. In integrating the two survey programs under the 50 × 2030 Initiative, UBOS has found a way to improve efficiency by avoiding duplication, reducing costs, and aligning methodologies and results. This paper documents the process of integrating the two surveys. On the whole, the extent of methodological, logistical, and institutional integration exemplified by the UHIS may be aspirational in the short term for many NSOs in low- and middle-income countries and can help when establishing long-term strategies and implementation plans to move towards similar goals.
agricultural surveys,integrated survey1,uganda,national statistical offices,socio-economic
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