Assessing the Impact of Hazara Motorway on Hotel Industry Growth in Hazara Region Under the China- Pakistan Economic Corridor, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province

Rafit Saheed, Armaghan Khan, Sumair Ahmad

Global Economics Review(2021)

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This research work explores the influence of the CPEC on hotel industry progress in the Hazara region. Using a purposive simple random sample approach, the primary data was collected through questionnaire from 112 hotel managers/owners by addressing their responses to aspects related to the future hotel industry growth forecasts in the Hazara region under the CPEC. The technique used for the analysis of the study is logistic regression. The results show that hotel facility score, manager's awareness of CPEC, investment opportunities in hoteling industry under CPEC, the impact of the project seen in the region after initiating of project, and increase of tourist due to E-35 CPEC motorway are contributing to the growth of hoteling industry under the CPEC. The study concludes that it is expected that in the future, demand for tourism will increase, so there is a need to enhance the infrastructure and standards of hotels on the international level.
hazara motorway,hotel industry growth,hazara region
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