The Plasma Distribution of Non-cholesterol Sterol Precursors and Products of Cholesterol Synthesis and Phytosterols Depend on HDL Concentration


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Non-cholesterol sterols are transported in plasma lipoproteins and are consequently important in cholesterol metabolism. We investigated the distribution of non-cholesterol sterol precursors of cholesterol synthesis (NCSPCS), oxysterols, and phytosterols in lipoproteins of healthy subjects differing according to HDL-Cholesterol (HDL-C) plasma levels. Elevated NCSPCS (desmosterol, lathosterol) in the High HDL group suggests that HDL exports these sterols from cells, but not the cholesterol metabolite 24-OHC which was higher in the Low HDL group than in the High HDL group. 27-hydroxycholesterol (27OH-C) plasma levels did not differ between groups. Percentage of NCSPCS and phytosterols predominates in LDL, but did not differ between groups. Thirty percent of desmosterol and lathosterol are present in HDL, with the High HDL group carrying higher percentage of these sterols. A high percentage of campesterol and sitosterol in HDL suggests that phytosterols are absorbed by enterocytes, and that HDL could be a marker of the ABCA1/ApoA1 intestinal activity.
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