Detection of Alzheimer's Disease using Fuzzy Inference System

Shamitha. S. Attur,M.E. Harikumar

2022 4th International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT)(2022)

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Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) is a method which utilizes certain rules to map input variables to output. It is developed using FL algorithm where the given extracted features are used to generate membership functions according to the domain and classifies the stages of Alzheimer's Disease (AD). A novel approach is proposed to classify MRI images in AD using FIS. Overall performance that was estimated using a FIS methodology was characterized by 0.86 accuracy and 0.89 sensitivity. The motivation for the project was to be part of the fight against AD, apart from an ethical perspective also due to the increase in burden of AD in the society. Currently, there are about half a billion people who with live with dementia worldwide, where two-thirds of them have AD. In general, AD diagnosis is subjected to the human skills which involves a number of unknown factors.
Alzheimer's Disease,K-means clustering,Fuzzy inference system,MRI brain
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