Experimental method for burn skin wound modeling in pigs

Saratov Medical Journal(2021)

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Objective: to develop an experimental model for studying the course of the wound healing process and the efficacy of applying wound dressings in clean conditions, as well as on a purulent wound on the same animal. Materials and Methods. Pig wound modeling is used as an in vivo model. In an operating theater, under general anesthesia, a laboratory animal laying on the side was marked with the future burn boundaries. A hot steel contact pad imposed a thermal injury to the skin of a given size and required depth (grades III B and IV sensu the classification by Vishnevsky). Then necrotomy was performed, followed by primary and delayed skin autograft, and use of wound dressings. The subjects of our in vivo study were 4 Landrace pigs, 18-24 kg each. Results. With III B burns, scar tissue was formed by day 12 under the decellularized scaffolds. By day 8, epithelialization of the wound was occurring under recellularized scaffolds. With grade IV burns, granulation tissue without aseptic inflammation was formed on day 8. Conclusion. The developed method for experimental wound modeling allows analyzing the engraftment of wound dressings on the same animal, both in early and in staged surgical treatment of burns.
burn skin wound modeling,pigs
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