Use of combustion synthesis/ self-propagating high- temperature synthesis (SHS) for the joining of similar/dissimilar materials

Joining Processes for Dissimilar and Advanced Materials(2022)

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Combustion synthesis (CS) represents a very attractive synthetic methodology for a wide variety of materials, including ceramics, intermetallic compounds as well as different kinds of composite materials, so that it can be efficiently exploited to join similar as well as dissimilar materials, through the direct in-situ synthesis of the joining materials. The present chapter aims at overview the most recent advancements reached in the joining of similar as well as dissimilar materials by means of combustion synthesis, highlighting the potentialities and the unique characteristics obtainable by this approach, and by the use of less conventional ignition techniques. Particularly, after a brief introduction devoted to the definition and description of combustion synthesis, its use will be described firstly for the joining of similar materials, both ceramic as well as metallic components. The use of CS in the joining of dissimilar materials will be the focus of a further section of the present chapter, describing also the possibility offered by CS to form functionally graded joining materials, which are extremely promising for overcoming mismatches between the chemical composition, physical and mechanical properties of the joining couple.
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combustion,synthesis/,similar/dissimilar materials,temperature,self-propagating
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