Development of Food Prototype with Antifungal Properties

SSRN Electronic Journal(2022)

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This study examines the effects of various plant derivative extracts and lactic acid bacteria on yeasts, in an attempt to create a prototype of a nutritional bar with antifungal properties. First, the inhibitory activity of ethanol and water extracts of plants, as well as that of lactic acid bacteria, against yeasts was tested using the zone inhibition test. This was followed by the development of the nutritional bar, using three different recipes, and microbiological criteria, stability of lactic acid bacteria in the food matrix, as well as sensory qualities were examined. The efficacy of the developed food prototype was also tested in vivo by feeding mice. The study found garlic, and goldenseal extracts to be most effective in limiting yeast growth, followed by grapefruit seed, and cranberry extracts which were then chosen for the preparation of a nutritional bar, alongside L. plantarum MI-LPI, which had the highest inhibitory effect out of the studied LAB. After developing the nutritional bars, microbiological criteria were examined, which indicated that that the nutritional bars had effectively inhibited the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, and concentrations of lactic acid bacteria did not reduce significantly during storage. The effect of the food prototype in vivo was found to be positive – the product with LAB reduced the amount of Candida yeasts in the feces of mice as well as reduced inflammatory signs in intestines and colon. This nutritional bar prototype could be considered as a natural product with antifungal properties.
food prototype
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