Absorption of electromagnetic waves with various wavelength by nanoparticles

S. Derevianko,A. Vasylchenko, O. Yekimov, R. Oliynik, O. Yermolenko

Наукові праці Державного науково-дослідного інституту випробувань і сертифікації озброєння та військової техніки(2021)

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An aim of the article is to review the potential of nanotechnology in military for the development of stealth technologies. Methods. Analysis of information, synthesis, generalization and comparison. Results. An overview of nanoparticles use in the development of stealth technologies has been made. Foreign and Ukrainian publications were analyzed. The possibility of using nanoparticles of metals like iron, cobalt, nickel, zinc, manganese and other metals and composite nanomaterials for absorption, refraction and scattering of waves of different lengths and frequencies, which can be used in the development of coatings for military equipment to reduce visibility and counter targeting systems has been shown. The possibility of using nanoparticles of nonmetals to absorb infrared radiation, which is important for masking equipment, military facilities and personnel, has been highlighted. High-tech weapons, technical means of detection and guidance are constantly being modernized and improved. One of the most important conditions for tactical superiority over the enemy is camouflage and counteraction to these systems. One of the ways to increase the resistance to detection and guidance systems is the development of stealth technologies based on nanoparticles of metals and non-metals. In the long run, nanotechnology and stealth coating should ensure the invisibility of objects in a wide frequency band of electromagnetic waves, which can reach two to three orders of magnitude. These are ambitious tasks, however, they are real. Foreign and domestic scientists have proven the possibility of using nanoparticles of metals and composite materials to develop coatings with the ability to absorb electromagnetic waves in a wide range, which can be used in the development of coatings to counter radar stations and other detection systems. Given the significant scientific potential of Ukrainian scientists, presence of technologies needed for the synthesis of nanoparticles of metals and nonmetals of various shapes and sizes, based on previous research on the ability of nanoparticles to absorb waves of different lengths and frequencies, we see high prospects for stealth technologies for the Military Forces of Ukraine.
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Key words
electromagnetic waves,various wavelength,nanoparticles,absorption
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