Comparing The Effects of Environmental Enrichment on Growth in Geese with Some Models

Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi(2021)

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The aim ofthe present study is to determine the time-dependent changes in the live weights of the geese, for which environmental enrichment was applied (Turkish local goose genotype), between the days 7 and 98. For this purpose, nonlinear Brody, Gompertz, Logistic, von Bertalanffy, and Richards growth models, which are used commonly, were used to determine the growth and development of poultry. Geese were divided into 3 groups (control group (C), broom group (B), mirror group (M)) based on their enrichment characteristics. The success status of the models applied in the present study was assessed based on error mean square (EMS) and coefficient of determination (R2) values. It was found thatR2 value was be 96.86 in the Logistic model, 96.82 in Brody model, 96.16 in vonBertalanffy model,95.04 in Gompertz model and 93.85 in Richards model, respectively, and EMS value was 0.2368 in Logistic model, 0.2004in Brody model, 0.1992 in von Bertalanffy model, 0.3567 in Gompertz model and 0.3711 in Richards model, respectively. As a result, it was concluded that the most suitable models with high coefficient of determination but low error mean square were Brody,Gompertz, and von Bertalanffy models, respectively, in determining the time-dependent live weight change in the geese (Turkish local goose genotype), for which environmental enrichment was applied, and it was suitable to use these three models in determining the effect of environmental enrichment on live weight.
Environmental Enrichment
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