Implementation of Smart Grid System on Alternative Energy of Floating Houses at Musi River Bank Estuary of The Ogan River

Yudi Wijanarko, Adi Syakdani,Ekawati Prihatini, Sairul Effendi, Aulia Rizki Utami, Trigitha Melintika, Ryo Pakusadewo

Atlantis Highlights in EngineeringProceedings of the 5th FIRST T1 T2 2021 International Conference (FIRST-T1-T2 2021)(2022)

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Technology has been integrated into daily uses electrical energy as the main energy source. In the utilization of electrical energy, there is a very detrimental waste such as turning on electronic equipment but not being used. In addition to the factor of human negligence, the unmonitored electrical energy used causes ignorance of the wasting of electrical energy. Therefore, this study build a system that can monitor and control the use of electricity based on the Internet of Things with NodeMCU and PZEM-004T devices. NodeMCU equipped with the ESP8266 wi-fi module can transmit data from the PZEM-004T sensor readings via the internet network as the result. The PZEM-004T sensor can read the value of AC voltage (V), AC current (A), Active power (W), power factor (Cos Phi) and used electrical energy (kWh) and frequency.
smart grid system,musi river bank estuary,alternative energy,ogan river
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