VeilGraph: incremental graph stream processing

Journal of Big Data(2022)

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Graphs are found in a plethora of domains, including online social networks, the World Wide Web and the study of epidemics, to name a few. With the advent of greater volumes of information and the need for continuously updated results under temporal constraints, it is necessary to explore alternative approaches that further enable performance improvements. In the scope of stream processing over graphs, we research the trade-offs between result accuracy and the speedup of approximate computation techniques. The relationships between the frequency of graph algorithm execution, the update rate and the type of update play an important role in applying these techniques. Herein we present V eil G raph , through which we conducted our research. We showcase an innovative model for approximate graph processing implemented in Apache Flink. We analyse the feasibility of our model and evaluate it with the case study of the PageRank algorithm, the most famous measure of vertex centrality used to rank websites in search engine results. Our experiments show that V eil G raph can often reduce latency closely to half (speedup of 2.0×), while achieving result quality above 95% when compared to results of the traditional version of PageRank executing in Apache Flink with Gelly (i.e. without any summarization or approximation techniques). In some cases, depending on the workload, speedups against Apache Flink reach up to 3.0x (i.e. yielding a reduction of up to 66% in latency). We have found V eil G raph implementation on Flink to be scalable, as it is able to improve performance up to 10X speedups, when more resources are employed (16 workers), achieving better speedups with scale for larger graphs, which are the most relevant.
Graph processing,Approximate processing,Stream processing,Summarization,Dataflow programming,Distributed computation
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