Influence of different ethylene-vinyl acetate brands used for custom-fitted mouthguard fabrication on the stress and strain during an impact


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Background/Aim The use of custom-fitted mouthguards can effectively prevent dentoalveolar trauma during sports practice. The aims of this study were to (1) Evaluate the elastic modulus of different EVA commercial brands used for custom-fitted mouthguards, and (2) Evaluate whether the different EVA brands can influence the stress and strain generated during an impact simulated by three-dimensional finite element analysis. Methods The elastic modulus of five EVA commercial brands (Essence(R), Bio-Art(R), Proform(R), PolyShok(R), and Erkodent(R)) were calculated through uniaxial tensile tests. The obtained values were evaluated statistically by Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn's test. A three-dimensional model of the anterior maxilla was created using the Rhinoceros 5.0. A 3 mm custom-fitted mouthguard was simulated. The three-dimensional volumetric mesh was generated using the Patran software (MSC.Software) with isoparametrics, 4-noded tetrahedral elements, and exported to Marc/Mentat (MSC.Software) as element number 134. A non-linear dynamic impact analysis was performed in which a rigid object struck the central incisor at a speed of 5 m/s. The stresses were evaluated by the modified von Mises criteria, and the strains were also recorded. Results Statistically significant differences were observed for elastic modulus values (p < .001). Median values and the results of the Dunn's test were Essence(R) (38.1 A), Bio-Art(R) (34.9 AB), Proform(R) (20.8 BC), PolyShok(R) (17.4 CD), and Erkodent(R) (15.0 D) (different capital letters mean statistical differences among the groups). Stresses and strains generated in the model with mouthguards were significantly lower than the model without a mouthguard regardless of the commercial brand. There was no significant difference in the stress and strain on the enamel and dentin with the different EVA brands. The shock absorption ability was high for all the brands (more than 80%). Conclusion The custom-fitted mouthguards, independently of the commercial brand, reduced stresses and strains during the impact.
contact sports, dental trauma, dentoalveolar trauma, finite element analysis, mouthguard, stress
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