Weighting for the Beat: Using a Dance Cue to Facilitate Turning in People with Parkinson's Disease and Freezing of Gait

Elmar C. Kal,Toby J. Ellmers,Anna E. Fielding, Lotte Hardeman, Juliana Coito, Lauren Joyce,William R. Young


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Freezing of gait (FOG) can severely compromise daily functioning in people with Parkinson's disease. Inability to initiate a step from FOG is likely underpinned, at least in part, by a deficient preparatory weight-shift. Conscious attempts to weight-shift in preparation to step can improve success of initiating forward steps following FOG. However, FOG often occurs during turning, where weight-shifting is more complex and risk of falling is higher. We explored the effectiveness of a dance-based ('cha-cha') weight-shifting strategy to re-initiate stepping following FOG during turning. Results suggest that this simple movement strategy can enhance turning steps following FOG, without compromising safety.
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Key words
Parkinson's disease,freezing of gait,cueing,step initiation,anticipatory postural adjustment,weight-shifting,festination
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