Toward fully automated UED operation using two-stage machine learning model


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To demonstrate the feasibility of automating UED operation and diagnosing the machine performance in real time, a two-stage machine learning (ML) model based on self-consistent start-to-end simulations has been implemented. This model will not only provide the machine parameters with adequate precision, toward the full automation of the UED instrument, but also make real-time electron beam information available as single-shot nondestructive diagnostics. Furthermore, based on a deep understanding of the root connection between the electron beam properties and the features of Bragg-diffraction patterns, we have applied the hidden symmetry as model constraints, successfully improving the accuracy of energy spread prediction by a factor of five and making the beam divergence prediction two times faster. The capability enabled by the global optimization via ML provides us with better opportunities for discoveries using near-parallel, bright, and ultrafast electron beams for single-shot imaging. It also enables directly visualizing the dynamics of defects and nanostructured materials, which is impossible using present electron-beam technologies.
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Materials science,Mathematics and computing,Physics,Science,Humanities and Social Sciences,multidisciplinary
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