Heterogeneous Multidomain Recommender System Through Adversarial Learning.

IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems(2023)

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To solve the user data sparsity problem, which is the main issue in generating user preference prediction, cross-domain recommender systems transfer knowledge from one source domain with dense data to assist recommendation tasks in the target domain with sparse data. However, data are usually sparsely scattered in multiple possible source domains, and in each domain (source/target) the data may be heterogeneous, thus it is difficult for existing cross-domain recommender systems to find one source domain with dense data from multiple domains. In this way, they fail to deal with data sparsity problems in the target domain and cannot provide an accurate recommendation. In this article, we propose a novel multidomain recommender system (called HMRec) to deal with two challenging issues: 1) how to exploit valuable information from multiple source domains when no single source domain is sufficient and 2) how to ensure positive transfer from heterogeneous data in source domains with different feature spaces. In HMRec, domain-shared and domain-specific features are extracted to enable the knowledge transfer between multiple heterogeneous source and target domains. To ensure positive transfer, the domain-shared subspaces from multiple domains are maximally matched by a multiclass domain discriminator in an adversarial learning process. The recommendation in the target domain is completed by a matrix factorization module with aligned latent features from both the user and the item side. Extensive experiments on four cross-domain recommendation tasks with real-world datasets demonstrate that HMRec can effectively transfer knowledge from multiple heterogeneous domains collaboratively to increase the rating prediction accuracy in the target domain and significantly outperforms six state-of-the-art non-transfer or cross-domain baselines.
Feature extraction,Recommender systems,Knowledge transfer,Task analysis,Transfer learning,Adversarial machine learning,Data mining,Adversarial learning,cross-domain recommendation recommender systems,knowledge transfer,recommender systems
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