Inhibitory abilities in girls and boys: More similarities or differences?

Journal of neuroscience research(2023)

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This brief review examined the literature from 1990 to June 2020 on sex differences in inhibitory abilities from early childhood to adolescence, primarily in individuals with typical development (TD) and individuals with atypical development. The 38 articles included (28 on individuals with TD, eight on the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder [ADHD] population, and two on individuals with autism spectrum disorder [ASD]) suggest that the cognitive demand of the task is important, together with contextual factors that may interact with the development of inhibitory ability, for revealing differences between the sexes. The literature has neglected the multicomponential nature of inhibitory abilities, and the emphasis has consequently been placed on response inhibition (vs. other components). The implication of the impurity problem has also been considered. The findings on children and adolescents with ADHD or ASD-even for outcomes that are not conclusive-imply that there is no evidence for a difference in inhibitory abilities between males and females. The literature proposes an asynchrony in the development of inhibitory abilities that may explain what is found in typically developing girls who perform more highly than boys on more demanding tasks.
development,inhibitory abilities,sex differences
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