The Effect of Contraception on Genital Cytokines in Women Randomized to Copper Intrauterine Device, Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate, or Levonorgestrel Implant


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Cervicovaginal cytokines were significantly elevated in women randomized to Cu-IUD 6 months after insertion, but not with DMPA-IM or LNG-implant use. However, these elevated cytokines in Cu-IUD users were not significantly associated with increased HIV risk. Background The ECHO trial randomized women to intramuscular depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA-IM), levonorgestrel implant (LNG-implant), or copper intrauterine device (Cu-IUD). In a substudy of the ECHO trial, we tested the hypothesis that contraceptives influence genital inflammation by comparing cervicovaginal cytokine changes following contraception initiation. In addition, we compared cytokine profiles in women who acquired HIV (cases) versus those remaining HIV negative (controls). Methods Women (n = 251) from South Africa and Kenya were included. Twenty-seven cervicovaginal cytokines were measured by Luminex at baseline, and 1 and 6 months after contraceptive iTanko et alnitiation. In addition, cytokines were measured preseroconversion in HIV cases (n = 25) and controls (n = 100). Results At 6 months after contraceptive initiation, women using Cu-IUD had increased concentrations of 25/27 cytokines compared to their respective baseline concentrations. In contrast, women initiating DMPA-IM and LNG-implant did not experience changes in cervicovaginal cytokines. Preseroconversion concentrations of IL-1 beta, IL-6, and TNF-alpha, previously associated with HIV risk, correlated with increased HIV risk in a logistic regression analysis, although not significantly after correcting for multiple comparisons. Adjusting for contraceptive arm did not alter these results. Conclusions Although Cu-IUD use broadly increased cervicovaginal cytokine concentrations at 6 months postinsertion, these inflammatory changes were found not to be a significant driver of HIV risk.
reproductive tract, DMPA-IM, LNG-implant, Cu-IUD, inflammation
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