Un modèle innovant d’intervention, de dépistage et de prise en charge mobile de la COVID-19 chez les personnes sans-abri à Marseille.

Santé publique(2022)

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INTRODUCTION:Homeless people are particularly at risk of becoming infected with COVID-19 because their precarious living conditions make prevention measure difficult. OBJECTIVE:We describe an innovative approach with the aim of implementing testing and monitoring adapted to the needs of the homeless people of Marseille (inhabitants of slums, squats or those living on the street). RESULTS:The intervention included 1) the coordination of 18 support organizations for homeless people, 2) the training and the provision of rapid serological and antigenic tests, 3) a mobile outreach team with community mediators in order to provide tests, including COVID-19 PCR on point of care, prevention and monitoring of positive cases. Acceptability of the intervention by participants, field organization was good. The lack of adapted places of accommodation was an important restricting factor for optimal care and support. CONCLUSION:The emergence of COVID-19 has highlighted discontinuities in health care among homeless people. Specific mobile outreach teams could limit the impact on this high-risk population.
dintervention,charge mobile,de,sans-abri
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