Harmonics Estimation in Power Distribution System: The case of a Nigeria University

2021 1st International Conference on Multidisciplinary Engineering and Applied Science (ICMEAS)(2021)

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In this paper harmonics estimation of Afe Babalola University (ABUAD) was carried out by modelling the power system network using Electrical Transient Analyzer Program (ETAP). The results show that at all buses the individual harmonics at the 5th, 11th, 13th, and 17th order exceeded standard limit of 3%, while the voltage total harmonics distortion limit was also exceeded due to the dominance of non-linear loads in the utility system. The voltage total harmonics distortion (THDv) was observed to be highest at bus 5 and least at bus 21 with the harmonics power losses at system bus ranging between 1.757137kW and 0.01807kW. Finally, the study reveals the need for the incorporation of active power filters (APFs) in the ABUAD power distribution network in order to reduce the harmonics distortion amplitude and ensure high power quality before renewable energy sourced generators are introduced into the ABUAD power network.
Harmonics,Bus,Power System,Total Harmonics distortion(THD),Power loss
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