Selective Defucosylation by Mercaptolysis. A Potential Step in Analyzing Branched Oligosaccharides.


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Abstract A method of stepwise chemical degradation was elaborated on a μg quantity of 3-O-α- l -fucosyllactose. The key step, TiCl4-catalysed dithioacetal formation from the permethylated N-4-nitrophenyl triosylamine (4) was accompanied by quantitative defucosylation. [14C]Acetylation of the dried mercaptalation mixture gave radiolabelled 3,5-di-O-[14C]acetyl-4-O-(2,3,4,6-tetra-O-methyl-β - d -galactopyranosyl)-2,6-di-O-methyl- d -glucose diethyl dithioacetal (7) and 5-O-[14C]acetyl-2,3,4-tri-O-methyl- l -fucose diethyl dithioacetal (8). The former was further degraded via the bis(sulfone), and thereby 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-methyl- d -galactose (13) was expelled. The monosaccharide branches, fucose and galactose, were identified as derivatives 8 and 13, respectively, by comparison with authentic samples. Isolation of microquantities of products was carried out by preparative TLC.
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analyzing branched oligosaccharides,selective defucosylation,mercaptolysis,cheminform abstract
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