Establecimiento de indicadores de sostenibilidad para entornos degradados: el Valle minero de Laciana (León, España)

Informes De La Construccion(2009)

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The interaction among building, environment, and socioeconomic matters, results in impacts as complex as the building process itself. A straight analysis of these impacts or effects must consider the whole building life-cycle, building products and building components. Also impacts are found in every level; from a local level, for example, the fingerprints a quarry leaves on the landscape, to a global level, i.e. CO 2 emissions due to energy consumption used to reach wealthy indoor conditions. Every impact must be considered differently in every level and phase. In the last years, indicator sets are drawn as appropriate tools in assessment methods for products, processes or activities. Nevertheless, the building process involves other singularities to be considered. Within the framework of the R&D National Plan Program, the project titled “Model of sustainable construction for the rehabilitation and protection of environmentally degraded or fragile zones: the Mining Valley of Laciana” (Garcia Navarro et al., 2005-2007) has developed a model following the sustainability criteria in construction, for buildings, existing infrastructures and landscapes in mining regions. This paper analyzes the application of indicator sets in this type of scenarios, and provides practical recommendations in order to develop integrating models or guidelines in the assessment, planning and management of these interventions.
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Key words
construcción,sostenibilidad,indicadores,paisaje minero
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