Immigrati di seconda generazione in Toscana: valutazione sperimentale di un modello teorico


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The following article is part of the discussion about immigration, and it takes into specific consideration the integration phenomenon of the so-called “second generations” of young immigrants. Supported by a research performed throughout the High School Institutes in the Region of Tuscany, this study is aimed at evaluating the trustworthiness and factorial reliability of the assessment model, which has been used to produce the questionnaire administered to the students. In order to assess the reliability and factorial structure of our measurement scales, as well as to better define the role of several theoretical factors (Integration, Relationship with School, Socialization in Groups and Values / Prejudices) assumed for the assessment of the degree of integration between foreign and Italian students, the data analysis was carried out through the use of Structural Equation Modeling. This kind of an approach allows us not only to reduce a certain theoretical complexity, but also to identify and formalize causative relationships between the variables, through the analysis of indexes related to the adaptive effectiveness of data in the model. The outcomes obtained from this study support not only the factorial reliability of the tool – as well as the effectiveness of measurement scales for several factors (INT, RS, VP, SG) – but they also confirm the leading role played by school in producing positive processes for the integration of new generations of immigrants.
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