Agri-environmental schemes for the common hamster (cricetus cricetus). Why is the dutch project successful?

Aspects of applied biology(2010)

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The Common hamster (Cricetus cricetus) is a rodent, which inhabits arable land across Europe. Over the last decades, West European populations declined with more then 95%, which resulted in numerous local and regional extinctions. In the Netherlands the species went extinct in the wild in 2002, but the same year a research and reintroduction programme was started. The combination of research on the ecology of the species, monitoring, and translation of the results into practical Agri-environmental schemes (AES), resulted in a rapid population growth over the last 7 years. The Dutch project is one of the few projects in Europe which shows positive results of AES on the target species.
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common hamster,dutch project,cricetus cricetus,agri-environmental
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