Удосконалення комплексної спеціальної фізичної підготовленості спортсменів-регбістів 16–18 років

Ашанін Володимир Семенович, Пасько Владлена Віталіївна, Подоляка Олег Борисович,Ровний Анатолій Степанович, Єрмолаєв Валерій Кирилович

Slobožansʹkij Naukovo-Sportivnij Vìsnik(2015)

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Purpose: to work out the program of the special physical preparation of rugby-players of 16–18 years and to investigate the dynamics of indexes of the special physical preparedness with the use of computer technologies. Material and Methods: 60 sportsmen took part in age of 16–18 in research. Results: the complex program of the special physical preparation of sportsmen on the stage of the specialized preparation and results of experimental verification of its introduction is presented. Conclusions: during a pedagogical experiment efficiency of application of the worked out experimental program is well-proven for perfection of educational-training process of rugby-players of 16–18 years, that being confirmed by research results
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