Современная ситуация по сибирской язве в России и мире. Основные тенденции и особенности

Problems of Particularly Dangerous Infections(2017)

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The current situation on anthrax is characterized as unstable. Instability is associated with recurring epizootic outbreaks complicated by human anthrax cases, as people contract infection mainly through contact with sick animals, their carcasses or animal products. Mentioned are new aerosol and parenteral ways of anthrax contracting. Parenteral use of contaminated heroin led to emergence of new clinical form of anthrax – injectional. Conception on anthrax agent evolution is replenished by data on pathogenic bacilli strains, that occupy an intermediate position between B. anthracis and B. cereus. Ecology of anthrax microbe is considered in view of its interaction with bacteriophages, rhizosphere and soil microflora. Research related to the environmental characteristics of habitat niches and genotypes of B. anthracis, explaining the geographical distribution of areas with a high risk of disease, may allow to optimize the program of animals immunization, which is the most effective measure for the prevention of anthrax.
current situation situation anthrax,russia
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