Assessing the validity and reliability of questionnaires on the implementation of Indonesian curriculum K-13 in STEM education

Rini Oktavia,Irwandi,Rajibussalim, M Mentari, I S Mulia

Journal of Physics: Conference Series(2018)

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This study aims to investigate how educators of STEM-related subjects implemented K-13 in their classrooms. A forum group discussion (FGD) on the implementation of Indonesian curriculum known as Kurikulum 2013 (K-13) in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Education was held in March 2018 by STEM Research Center Unsyiah ( Participants of the FGD consist of 60 educators of STEM-related subjects in Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar Districts. Since K-13 was implemented in July 2013, there is no survey study to evaluate its implementation in Aceh has been conducted. This study initiates to develop survey instruments to measure participants' understanding and opinions regarding the implementation of K-13 in STEM Education and their satisfaction of the FGD. Eight items in participants' satisfaction questionnaire are strongly valid with validity values range from 0.632 to 0.824. For the questionnaires on the implementation of K-13, nine items are valid with validity values range from 0.584 to 0.821. For internal consistency reliability, the Cronbach's alpha of the FGD satisfaction responses is 0.838; meanwhile the Cronbach's alpha of implementation of K-13 responses is 0.882. These results showed that the questionnaires have good internal consistency reliability and validity.
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