Эпидемиологическая и эпизоотологическая обстановка по сибирской язве в 2017 г., прогноз на 2018 г.

А. Г. Рязанова,О. В. Семенова,Е. И. Еременко, Л. Ю. Аксенова,Н. П. Буравцева, Т. М. Головинская,А. Н. Куличенко

Problems of Particularly Dangerous Infections(2018)

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The situation on anthrax in the Russian Federation is characterized as unstable. This is due to a large number of soil foci, incomplete registration and coverage of farm animals that undergo vaccination against anthrax, reduction in the scope of the planned specific immunization of contingents under occupational risk of infection in a number of the country’s regions. Cases of anthrax among animals and humans were not registered in the Russian Federation in 2017. Adverse situation on anthrax was reported in 4 neighboring countries. High incidence rates of antrax in animals and humans was noted in African and Asian countries. Infection of people occurred as a result of contact with sick and dead animals in the process of slaughter and cutting carcasses, eating contaminated meat. Anthrax morbidity rates of animals and humans in the Russian Federation in 2018 will be determined by the extent to which complex of preventive measures is completed; and if implemented to the maximum scale, will be limited to single cases.
anthrax,epizootiological situation
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