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Обзор эпидемиологической ситуации по бруцеллезу в Российской Федерации в 2015 г. И прогноз на 2016 г

Problems of Particularly Dangerous Infections(2016)

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Given are the results of assessment of epidemiological and epizootiological situation on brucellosis in the Russian Federation in 2015. It is characterized as challenging. Compared to 2014 (368 cases, intensive index - 0.26), recorded is 5.1 % increase in the number of people infected with brucellosis (393 cases, intensive index - 0.27). The highest incidence rates among the population are registered in the North-Caucasian, Southern and Siberian Federal Districts, where the main source of infection is cattle and small ruminants. Revealed is a significant rise in brucellosis incidence in the Stavropol region too. External epidemiological risks, associated with the intensification of cooperation in the supply of livestock products from the Mediterranean countries, Middle East, and South America, which are endemic as regards cattle brucellosis, will remain pressing. Given the sustained adverse epidemiological and epizootic situation, taking into account the internal and external risks of infection with brucellosis, brucellosis incidence among the population is predicted to be within the range of 390-420 cases.
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