Ergonómia y deporte de ciclista con displasia de cadera y acortamiento de miembros inferiores

Manuel Alberto Riveros Medina, Ferney Orlando Bello Clavijo

Revista Colombiana de Rehabilitación(2017)

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The focus of this project was to establish the most efficient way to improve the ergonomics and performance a cyclist with hip dysplasia and shortening of 4 cm in the left lower limb mechanical adjustment , which was intended to contribute to a solution to this problems while finding new ways to encourage the processes of biological adaptation of neuromuscular and skeletal systems in athletes with disabilities , to feed the areas of health and athletic performance , even where perceived gaps in the application of this knowledge. This was framed within a pre-experimental study of intrasubject replication design. To develop research different possibilities for mechanical adjustment were used in the length of the crank of the bicycle and the accommodation of different length studs shoes athlete subsequently settled comparatively the effects of mechanical adjustments seeking to improve ergonomics and efficiency athlete represented in anatomical variables ( sitting posture on the bike ) , physiological ( heart rate behavior) and biokinematics (times and average speeds at and knee joint angles for both flexion and extension for each of the settings) data were recorded in Excel 2007 spreadsheet. When comparing the effect of mechanical adjustments relative to the initial measurement was found that the best fit to the ergonomics and the athlete’s performance corresponds to the combination of the dowel rod 1 cm and 15.5 cm, with percentages of improvement in the variable morphological postural alignment on bicycle 71.4%; biokinematic variable time improvements at 1 km and 3 km in 94.4% and 88.71%; and as for speed improvements obtained reached within 1 km and 3 km of 115% and 118% respectively.
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