Does Perceived Social Support and Insight Influence Schizophrenic Patients Medication Adherence

Research & Reviews: Journal of Neuroscience(2018)

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Background of the Study: Schizophrenia is a severe form of mental illness affecting most of the adult population. Though the incidence is low, the prevalence is high due to its chronicity. Most of the patients having schizophrenia tend to leave medication at some point of time. Social support and insight found to have influence over patients having schizophrenias' adherence towards medication. Aim: This study was aimed at finding the relationship of perceived social support and insight over medication adherence in patients having schizophrenia. Material and Methods: The study was conducted using descriptive, exploratory, cross-sectional study design on 60 patients having schizophrenia. The perceived social support, medication adherence and insight were assessed using MOS social support survey questionnaire, drug attitude inventory-10 and scale to assess unawareness in mental disorder respectively. Results: Non-adherence to medication was reported to be 25%. There is no significant relationship between perceived social support and insight over medication adherence. It was found that most of the participants had mild to moderate insight that might have had an influence on the findings of various tools. Conclusion: Findings highlight the importance of medication adherence interventions irrespective of the perceived social support and insight into the illness. Keywords: Schizophrenia, medication adherence, social support, insight, family support, peer support Cite this Article G. Srinivasan, Deepika C. Khakha. Does Perceived Social Support and Insight Influence Schizophrenic Patients Medication Adherence? Research and Reviews: Journal of Neuroscience . 2018; 8(3): 12–18p.
Medication Adherence,Treatment Adherence,Medication Persistence,Social Support,Help-Seeking Behaviors
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