Vascular malformation of tongue with phlebothrombosis/phlebolith in a young patient: an unusual presentation

Perla Davila-Villa,Miguel Padilla-Rosas, Gerardo Meza-Garcia,Mario Nava-Villalba


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Venous malformations (VMs) are a type of vascular malformation formed by abnormally developed venous channels, with variations in size, pathway and thickness and are therefore a condition which can predispose to thrombosis. We present the case of a VM associated with phlebothrombosis/phlebolith, located on the lingual dorsum of a 20-year-old female patient. Clinical examination revealed a nodule of approximately 5 mm in diameter involving the anterior third of lingual dorsum, with a firm, compressible and non-pulsatile consistency. Histopathologically, the lesion revealed a VM with evidence of phlebothrombosis and phlebolith development. Although VMs manifest infrequently in this age group, they should be considered in the differential diagnosis of other lesions with similar characteristics in young people.
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dentistry and oral medicine,congenital disorders,pathology
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