Variación del contenido de Betalaínas, compuestos fenólicos y capacidad antioxidante durante el procesamiento de la quinua (Chenopodium quinoa W.)

Julio Vidaurre-Ruiz, Gleny Días-Rojas, Edy Mendoza-Llamo,Miguel Ángel Solano-Cornejo

Revista de la Sociedad Química del Perú(2017)

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The aim of this research was to determine the content of total phenolic compounds (CFT), flavonoids (F), betalamic pigments (PB) and antioxidant capacity of quinoa grains (Chenopodium quinoa W.), after washing, drying and cooking process. Two varieties of quinoa (Pasankalla and Black Collana) were evaluated, which were provided by the Regional Department of Agriculture of Cajamarca, Peru. The initial content of CFT, F and PB was higher in the Black Collana variety than in the Pasankalla variety and the behavior was similar after all the processing stages, with the exception of the antioxidant capacity, which increased after drying and cooking process. PB, of the two varieties of quinoa under study, were degraded and diffused in the water of cooking following first order kinetics. Although there were significant losses of CFT, F and PB (p<0.05) after cooking process, the two varieties of quinoa are still excellent functional sources due to their high antioxidant capacity.
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