Improvement on Gamma Energy Resolution of Plastic Scintillator by Adding PMMA Light Guider or Chamfer

Wang Yi,Wei Zhiyong,Fang Meihua, Guo Yipan,Yu Junhao

Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics(2018)

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Traditional plastic scintillator has respectively low gamma energy resolution. Space radiation detection need the plastic scintillator to keep a relatively better energy resolution for gamma. Thus we did experiments to study how to get it enhanced by adding light guider and chamfer. A 9000Bq radioactive source 60Co has been utilized to make the experiment and results came that when keeping other conditions same, the height of poly methyl methacrylate (PMMA) light guider changes from 12mm to 40mm and the energy resolutions varied from 72.3% to 63.5% respectively. Furthermore, another contrast experiment was made to decide whether plastic scintillator with light guiders or integrated chamfer can get better energy resolution. In conclusion the plastic scintillator with integrated chamfer got 55.0%. Through the study of adding light guider or chamfer to plastic scintillator, the gamma energy resolution has been improved greatly from 72.3% to 55.0%.
energy resolution,plastic scintillator,light guider,energy spectrum
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