Сравнение экспрессии гена РСА3 в осадках и экзосомах мочи при раке предстательной железы

Д. С. Михайленко,А. А. Новиков, М. В. Григорьева, Г. Д. Ефремов,А. В. Сивков, Н. Ю. Сафронова, К. С. Сорокин,М. Ю. Земскова,М. В. Немцова, Б. Я. Алексеев,А. Д. Каприн


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Introduction . Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the common oncological diseases in men. Expression of the PCA3 gene in urine is currently used as a molecular genetic marker of PCa. Objective: to comparative analysis of the PCA3 expression in urine sediments and exosomes for the determination of the biomaterial, which allows detecting the PCA3 expression in more efficient manner. Materials and methods. The 12 patients with different stages of PCa and 8 control samples were examined. Results. The diagnostic accuracy of the PCA3 gene expression analysis in this cohort exceeded 90 %. We had not obtained significant differences in the sensitivity and specificity of the PCA3 hyperexpression in the urine sediments compared with exosomes. This result indicates in favor to using urine sediment for the PCA3 analysis as a biomaterial with less time-consuming sample preparation, although the possible advantage of exosomes for the analysis of the expression marker panels requires further studies.
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