Diversidad de peces en sistemas lóticos y lentícos asociada al bioma de bosque seco de Victoria, Caldas

Diego Córdoba Rojas,Daniel Vásquez, Santiago Arboleda,Cristian Hernández,Alan Giraldo

Revista de Ciencias(2017)

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This study explores the fish fauna that inhabits the Purnio River and associated tributaries, passing by Hacienda La Espanola, where mining extraction for gold and drag material for construction takes place. Fishing techniques used were: electrical fishing, cast net, trammel nets and hooks used in the river tributaries and streams; also a drag seine was used on lentic systems. Three zones were defined according to the immediate influence in the use of land on the river banks: an area of forest, an area of mining, and a differentiated silvopastoral area. 3149 fish belonging to six orders, 20 families and 45 species were captured. The family with more species (11) and number of individuals (560) was Characidae. The forest was the most diverse area, and the mining zone had the highest dominance. Of the species found, five with some degree of threat are reported in the 2012 Red Book of Freshwater Fishes of Colombia and ten are reported in the 2011 Colombian Catalogue of Fishery Resources. Five species have some sort of migration and are also important for human consumption
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