Solución de problemas y percepción de la carrera en un curso de introducción a la ingeniería mecánica

Revista Educación en Ingeniería(2018)

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This article, based on the chapter “Introduccion a la Ingenieria Mecanica: como llegan los de primer ingreso” of the book Transformar para educar 5 of the Universidad del Norte, presents a study is to know the creative and critical thinking for the solution of problems, as well as the perception of the students of Introduction to Mechanical Engineering towards this career. It is based on a mixed methodology in which it applied protocols of observation of class, questionnaire about perception and expectations, daily problems were generated for its debate and developed by groups a design project. Finally, it is concluded that the students pose more innovative, detailed and complex solutions to situations that are daily; That provocative questions incite them to question their paradigms and to construct better argued positions, and that the career choice is due to their affinity with mathematics and the positive perception they have of this discipline to solve global problems.
un curso de introducción,la carrera,en
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