Natural and Safe Dyeing of Curing Clothing Intended for Patients with Dermatoses

Postępy Fitoterapii(2018)

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Introduction. The Institute of Natural Fibers and Medicinal Plants has been carrying out complex research connected with application of natural dyes on knitted fabrics and fabrics. The paper presents the results of the part of the research conducted at the Institute, related to the Project BIOAKOD – Bioactive curing clothing based on natural fibers. Aim. The aim of the project’s task 3 was to develop organic cotton and knitted linen dyeing technology using the extracts obtained from plants. Material and methods. Plant extracts depending on the content of active substances and their precious ingredients they can have the following properties: medicinal, soothing, moistening, anti-inflammatory, regenerative, antiviral, antifungal, antioxidant and protection against UV radiation. Several plants were tested during the project realization. Finally, were obtained the extracts from the following plants: Madder Rubia tinctorium L., Dyer’s greenweed Genista tinctoria L, Weld Reseda luteola L., Dyer's coreopsis Coreopsis tinctoria L., Oak Gall Quercus infectoria Oliv, Chebulic Myrobalan Terminalia chebula L. Results. In the final phase the 9 colours were chosen. The dyeing was performed in semi-industrial conditions in the factory Marko-Kolor. The registered patent is also the effect of this project grant. Conclusions. The interesting range of colours was achieved, and tested extracts showed healing properties.
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Key words
safe dyeing,clothing
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