The method of improving the signal detection quality by accounting for interference

2020 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Advanced Trends in Information Theory (ATIT)(2020)

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In the process of detecting the radio signal of information transmission in information systems, an urgent issue is to increase noise immunity. The article investigates the peculiarities of using low - pass filters with quadratic and linear dependence of the response on the input signal. It is shown that the principle of operation of filters is that the summation process is performed. In this case, the useful signal is summed coherently, and the interference signal is incoherent, ie the useful signal increases and the interference signal decreases.When influencing the input of linear and square filters, a rectangular pulse that mimics the signal of modern digital radio signals, the necessary parameters for further use of input and output signals are determined: mathematical expectation, correlation coefficient, variance, standard deviation.It is proved that the use of narrow-band low-pass filters in the process of signal processing allows to increase the noise immunity of the system for detection, recognition and localization of radio signals by 11%.Modeling of the process of filtering radio signals at different correlation coefficients is carried out. The simulation results confirmed the results of theoretical calculations.
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Key words
model,direction finding,localization,direction finder antenna,probability of finding a radio bug
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