Distribuição territorial de fisioterapeutas no Brasil: análise do Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimentos de Saúde CNES/2010

ConScientiae Saúde(2016)

引用 8|浏览3
Introduction: The provision of health interventions in Brazil presents regional differences and the development of studies is important to support public policy. Objective: To describe the distribution of physical therapy, the percentage of cities which have this kind of professional and the ratio between physiotherapists/1000 inhabitants in different regions and federative units in Brazil. Methods: We conducted a descriptive cross-sectional study using data from the National Register of Health Service Providers (CNES) and demographic census 2010. Data were analyzed through descriptive statistics techniques. Results: The study identified 53 181 registries of physical therapists: 50% in the Southeast, 21% Northeast 18% South, Central-west 7% and 4% North. The existence of physical therapists occurred in 76% of cities in the country, with the highest proportion in the Southeast (91% of the cities) and the lowest in the North (40%). Metropolises and big cities where reponsible for 64% of the registries,with the highest ratio of physical therapists / 1000 inhabitants. Conclusion: Southeast and South regions, metropolises and big cities were the main actuation sites of physiotherapists indicating the need of policies to promote a more heterogeneous distribution of this professional throughout the country.
cadastro nacional de estabelecimentos,fisioterapeutas,brasil,distribuição
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