Corrigendum: Intrauterine Viral Infections: Impact of Inflammation on Fetal Neurodevelopment

Sourav Ganguli,Pavithra L. Chavali

Frontiers in Neuroscience(2021)

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(Cho et al., 2013, Kennedy et al., 2015. Although HSV1 and ZKV deplete neural progenitor pools and cause a similar phenotype, namely microcephaly, they engage different molecular mechanisms. HSV1 perturbs neuroepithelial polarity and is more severe, while ZKV affects neural progenitor cells without altering the polarity. Furthermore, the sensitivity of ZKV and HSV1 to IFN1 significantly varies, with HSV1 being able to neutralise IFNb unlike ZKV (Krenn et al., 2021).The predominant host response mechanism that is triggered by several viral infections is the activation of microglia. Fetal microglia differ from adult microglia in their morphology and gene expression profiles (Ginhoux et al., 2013, Kracht et al., 2020. **.In the original article, the reference for ** Meyer et al., 2009. ** in section Inflammatory signature of viruses was incorrectly written as **Kang et al., 2011**. It should be "Contrarily, a uniform change in the expression of pro and anti-inflammatory cytokines such as IL6 and IL10, do not alter post-natal abnormalities, as observed in mice (Meyer et al., 2009). **
intrauterine viral infections,corrigendum,inflammation
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