Implementation of Human Voice Controlled Robotic Car

Rubina Liyakat Khan,Deepa Priyanshu, Fatmah Saleh Alsulaiman

2021 10th International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends (SMART)(2021)

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This study’s objective is to ascertain out more about asystem that recognizes human voice instructions to operate a voice controlled car. The a voice-controlled car is only an example of how to exert control over the movement of a basic robot using commonly used spoken instructions . An android app is utilised in this system to transmit human instructions to the microcontroller. The UART protocol may be used to connect a controller to a Bluetooth module. The android app receives the speech and the voice module processes it. After then, the voice is transformed to text. This text will be further processed by the microcontroller, which is going to take appropriate step taken to control the avoice control robotic car. The purpose of this system is to construct a robotic car that can be operated with a human voice for basic actions like going ahead and turning left or right. The ATmega Arduino board is the Hardware Development board utilised in this project. The programme is written in the Embedded C/C++ is used by the Arduino IDE. The hardware has been set up , and software has been ported. In general, utilising some form of module to recognise human speech costs much too much. We concluded that, indeed, there is a very basic and straightforward solution effective method for controlling robots using human voice after doing a large number of tests on the subject. This is a simple robotic application approach.
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Key words
Voice,Arduino,Step-Motors,Smart Vehicle
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