O enfrentamento da pandemia da covid-19 na central de abastecimento (CEASA) em Curitiba/PR

Revista Conexao UEPG(2020)

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The Covid-19 pandemic required preventive measures and social isolation became the main one. To avoid shortages, the trucker drivers’ activity was considered essential. Given the exposure of these workers, they were considered a risk group. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe the strategies of preventive action, health care and combat to the Covid-19 pandemic, practiced by a multiprofessional health team, in the Supply Center unit in Curitiba. The methodological proposal was built strategically and included five actions: territorial recognition, formulation and distribution of educational material, verification of body temperature, hygiene instructions and the use of a mask. In addition, the group met to share experiences and progress. Coping with a pandemic is one of the biggest challenges for health professionals; working in a project with multiprofessional and intersectoral action is an enriching experience and clarifies the importance of Health Promotion in improving the country's health conditions.
pandemia curitiba/pr,ceasa
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