Polymorphisms in candidate genes associated with egg yield and quality in brown layer pure lines

Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences(2020)

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The aim of the present study was to detect a total of 11 polymorphisms of 6 genes (OCX32, GHR, DRD, VIP, VIPR, MR) related to egg yield and quality in six brown layer lines namely Rhode Island Red-I (RIRI), Rhode Island Red-II (RIRII), Barred Rock-I (BARI), Barred Rock-II (BARII), Colombian Rock (COL) and Line-54 (L5-4) raised in Ankara Poultry Research Institute. A total of 208 samples belonging to RIRI (n= 32), RIRII (n= 32), BARI (n= 40), BARII (n= 32), COL (n= 32) and L-54 (n= 40) were genotyped by PCR-RFLP method. For this reason, a total of 11 polymorphic regions were amplified by PCR and then PCR products were digested with specific restriction endonucleases. Results of the present study showed that polymorphisms and adequate genetic variations were found in OCX32-ex4/NcoI, OCX32-ex2/HpyCH4IV, DRD2/BseGI, VIPR-1/HhaI, VIPR-2/TaqI and MR1C/MboI genes which previously reported to associated with egg quality and yield in different chicken lines. However, conducting the association analysis between these genes and egg yield and quality will be useful. On the contrary, it has been revealed that GHR-intron 2/HindIII, GHR-intron 5/NspI, VIP-501/VspI, DRD1/BseNI and VIP-I2/HinfI polymorphisms cannot be used to increase egg yield and quality due to no detection of desired genotypes or homozygous excess.
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