Despertando o interesse pelo conhecimento tecnológico usando robótica : uma experiência na Educação Básica para igualdade de gênero

RELATEC Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa(2020)

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The need for technology professionals is growing every day, making it increasingly strategic and attractive. The insertion of women in this context provides opportunities for gender equality. However, the percentage of women in this area is still relatively lower than that of men and in other areas of knowledge. This scenario is evolving, and female participation is gradually increasing thanks to the various initiatives that promote gender equity in education and the job market. This work presents the possibility of building spaces aimed at the participation, encouragement, and training of students in the technology area, focusing on the female audience in public schools. The proposal consists of the development of theoretical-practical workshops with primary contents of robotics and programming coordinated by women. For that, students and teachers in the area of science and mathematics were selected and acted as facilitators and multipliers of the proposal in schools. Despite the lack of knowledge of robotics concepts by teachers and students, an important interest in learning was observed. Regarding the difficulties experienced in the workshop execution, the initiative proved to be a promising mechanism to stimulate learning, awakening curiosity, and interest among the participants, especially the students.
ICT in Education,Educational Technology
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